My story starts here.
This one is for all the mothers.
Hey friends,
My name is Ashley, I’m a mother, wife, homemaker and health professional living in Harford County Maryland. Ive been blogging, coaching and sharing my knowledge of health and wellness for eight years and feel extremely passionate about it. It’s a place I’ve always felt connected to while proudly serving others.
But can I get real honest and vulnerable with you for a moment?
During the fourth year of my blogging journey I was blessed with my second baby boy, Graham Wallace. I had him here in the comfort of our home and couldn’t believe how incredible that day was. I was over the moon and started my second round of postpartum with a huge smile on my face and a grateful spirit.
However, this time around, postpartum wasn’t so kind to me. When Graham was born I found myself mentally struggling for about eight months until I officially hit rock bottom. I’ll never forget that day. I could no longer deny the feeling of unworthiness that crept over me. It was a dark, foreign part of myself I never even knew existed. I locked the bathroom door behind me and fell to my knees weeping. I was inconsolable. That’s when I knew I needed to do something that so many mothers are afraid to do, which is ask for help.

Since then, I am grateful to say I haven’t returned to that dark place. I’ve had to make a lot of vulnerable choices, open my heart and get honest with myself. I started talking with a therapist, prioritizing time for myself (that wasn’t household chores) and making self care practices a part of my daily routine. At the end of the day, I realized taking care of myself was ultimately taking care of our family.
Through the chaos of my postpartum depression, I realized I wasn’t alone. The more I started opening up about it, more and more moms started reaching out to me and sharing their stories. I was in shock! So many women shared how they struggled during such a pivotal time in their lives. The more I researched the more I found little to no support for postpartum mothers. It felt like there was endless knowledge and support before the baby was born, but after? Crickets.
The next appointment most moms were seen by a doctor after giving birth was at their 6 week postpartum appointment. Not to mention- no care or compassion about their birth experience, possible trauma, scars, major body changes… nothing. Doctors provided no info on nourishing meal plans, no exercises to help strengthen a mothers abdominals and pelvic floor muscles, no mommy support groups or community outreach events… the list goes on. None of these crucial topics were a part of their healing journeys. Truly this is overwhelming to witness. That’s when I came to this realization…
Our health care system is failing mothers.

Although I am not a doctor (and don’t get me wrong there and many wonderful doctors out there) I’ve discovered principles to supporting a well -rounded postpartum experience. Through my personal struggles I’ve found practices that helped me navigate my postpartum depression and nourish my soul. I am so proud and joyous to say that after my third son was born, I used these principles to support my journey and found myself in a much healthier place. I never want any mother to feel as alone and helpless as I did on that day in February 2022. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.
That’s why I’m doing something I’ve never done before which is create a community to help mothers thrive during postpartum.
My goal is to reach as many mothers as possible. I dream to build a community where moms feel seen, heard, cared for and guided to be authentically themselves. A space I can share and educate moms on the crucial info that helped me heal and thrive.
As I build this dream of mine I’m going to do my best to keep each of you updated so make sure to subscribe! I hope to have this postpartum community and guide active by April of 2024. If you are interested or have any questions please feel free to message me on instagram or shoot me and email at ashley@staysweetwellness.com
I decided 2024 is the year of courage. I’m having the courage to share my vulnerable story. Im having the courage to create something much larger than myself. I’m having the courage to take a big step and stop caring about what others may think of me. I don’t care if this only reaches one mother because if it does I know it can give her what our health care system did not.
If you’re here now, mama, I want you to know that I see you. I feel you so deeply and I promise I’m doing everything I can to provide you the world you deserve. Every mother deserves the love she so freely gives to others.
Stay sweet mommas.